What is CountryRank.org?

Here we got together some ratings, so you can compare the countries in different dimensions.

Why should I trust you?

You don’t. We are not scientists, we don’t do our own research. We got the data together, so it is up to you to decide whether to trust or not. Each and every rating has a link for the source of the information. Shall you have any concerns – follow the link, check the source, and decide if you trust it.

I found a mistake

Please let us know. Twitter: @CountryRank or e-mail: rank@countryrank.org.

Why a country is missed in a rating?

There are a few possible reasons.
The most common one: the country wasn’t included in the original rating by the institution that created the rating. It could have a number of reasons.
And, there is always a chance for a mistake. If you feel that a country missed by a mistake – please check the source rating and let us know if we really missed something.

I know a great rating, why it’s not here?

It depends. The work is in progress. So it could probably wait for its turn. Anyway. Feel free to let us kno by sending the link. Twitter: @CountryRank or e-mail: rank@countryrank.org.