Togo in ratings

✈️ Travel


⚔️ Military


⚕️ Health


⭐ Freedom


🛍️ Consumption

  • #114 out of 189 in Alcohol average daily consumption 2016
    Togo is in the middle 70% of the rating. Considering the level as about an average we expect people in Togo, in general, to face an average amount of problems related to the consumption of alcohol in social, healthcare, and economical areas
  • #8 out of 96 in Drug use by country 2022
    Togo is in the middle 90% of the rating. Considering the level as about an average we expect people in Togo, in general, to face an average amount of problems related to drug use

🌳 Ecology


💱 Economic


📚 Education


📊 General


🚏 Infrastructure


🏭 Labour


🛡️ Safety


🧬 Science


👶🏻 Demography