– is a community-driven platform that collects publically-available ratings of countries and territories.

The purpose – is to ease the process of finding and analyzing info about different locations (whether you looking for a place to move to or having fun).

We have a wide range of various ratings from lots of trusted sources. Most of the sources are independent international, scientific, or government institutions (however, you can still check the sources for the facts).

Browse data by country

Check profiles for The United States, UK, Canada, Turks and Caicos Islands, China, American Samoa, Mexico, Slovenia, Italy etc (the full list of the countries is at the top right corner on every page).

Browse data by rating

We've added a lot and more to come. Select the most relevant rating and check the countries’ ranks and positions. The country ratings are devided into categories.

Country rank history

If we have historical data, we show it. So you can find how the country rank changed.
For example – internet penetration; Saudi Arabia has become #7 in 2021 (it was #58 in 2014).

Compare countries

This is the fun. What country has a higher crime rate? What country has the most dangerous roads? Compare and find your answers! Portugal vs Spain. Georgia vs Armenia, Austria vs Australia, Slovakia vs Slovenia, Iceland vs Ireland, North Korea vs South Korea, USA vs Canada.

Facts Explained

It is important to mention that all the facts about the countries have strong grounds and, usually, - transparent methodology.

Please do not hesitate to share your feedback and thoughts about how we could help you compare countries via twitter/email.


All the Countries on the Map