In Portugal the cost of living is lower than in Cyprus

In the Cost of Living rating Portugal holds position #42 2012 out of 90 and Cyprus is #25 out of 90 2012.
Position of Portugal is better than position of Cyprus.
Both countries holds average positions in the "Cost of Living" rating. So Cost of Living Index is an average for both Portugal and Cyprus, compared to most countries of the World.


  1. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 52.48
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 42.18
  2. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 61.64
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 50.65
  3. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 59.93
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 49.52
  4. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 58.39
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 50.77
  5. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 54.98
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 50.64
  6. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 59.37
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 54.63
  7. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 56.81
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 49.82
  8. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 63.68
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 50.55
  9. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 85.06
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 67.78
  10. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 98.61
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 75.31
  11. The countries in the rating sorted by 'Cost of Living Index' in descending order.
    Cyprus 'Cost of Living Index' value is 89.54
    Portugal 'Cost of Living Index' value is 70.76